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Featured Books

  • Preachers Academy – Homiletics Handbook

    Dr. Jason Dimitry has written an exciting sequel to COPS called Preachers Academy – Homiletics Handbook. Since God’s call for every disciple is to preach the Word, this book then is not just for those in or bound for the full-time ministry but for every brother and sister wanting to grow in their power and effectiveness handling the God’s eternal Word.

    Jason expounds in this preaching handbook about how we all need faith to enter, mature, and remain in the Kingdom of God and that faith comes from hearing the Word . . . but only if it is PREACHED! Dr. Dimitry lays out a practical framework of how to equip every disciple and the next generation of preachers to evangelize the nations in our generation!

    Here is one of my many favorite quotes – all of which will convict and inspire those who choose to read this book:

    We call every disciple of Christ to have deep convictions on sound doctrine, such as centralized leadership, the mandate for world evangelism, structure of discipleship, commitment to the worship services, financial sacrifice, etc. There can be no revolution of truth without revolutionaries willing to stand up for it! Let us preach in such a way that calls our people to take the very same stand!

    To order your paperback or Kindle version on Amazon, click on the link below:


    Happy SOPI-reading and confident preaching in the Year of Blessings!


    Chris Adams
    Executive Editor
    SoldOut Press International
  • Set Free


    Greetings, SoldOut Movement Family!

    Dr. Joe Garmon has given us an insightful and comprehensive “guide” for disciples to better understand mental illness and positive mental health from a godly point of view. Set Free will undoubtedly build confidence in our disciples’ ability to navigate their own life challenges and/or support others persevering through the obstacles that mental health challenges can be to their discipleship!

    With over 20 years of unique experience as a licensed psychologist AND evangelist, Dr. Garmon has packed this book full of spiritual wisdom and clinical insight! It is hard to pick out just one passage to capture how helpful this book can be to our ministries, but here goes!

    “Good mental health, just like good physical health, has value in that it can allow us to become more effective and fruitful in our spiritual lives. Mental health cannot give us a relationship with God, forgiveness of sin, or give us a home in heaven. Only God’s Word can lead us to these. Like physical health, mental health is of “some value,” (1 Timothy 4:8) but only godliness has eternal value.

    One can have good mental health and not be in a relationship with God. Being psychologically healthy can help deal with some of the distress that mental illnesses bring, but without God’s saving grace, one can still be in a lost state. It can help us to be more fruitful and joyful as disciples, but it cannot make disciples – only God through His Holy Spirit can make the harvest grow. However, it is very difficult to be spiritually mature if we are not emotionally mature.”

    I know as a shepherd – called by God to strengthen and mature the sheep – Set Free will be ON MY DESK as an ongoing resource to build up God’s church! Our ICC Family of Churches has needed this kind of book to help us navigate through so many of Satan’s attacks on people’s capacity to find peace of mind and stay in their right mind! Thank you, Dr. Garmon for delivering such a precious teaching at just the right time!

    • Click to purchase the paperback version of Set Free
    • Click to purchase the audible version of Set Free
    Chris Adams
    Executive Editor
    SoldOut Press International
  • Not A Hint

    Dr. Ricky Challinor’s book, Not a Hint: Every Disciple’s Quest for Absolute Purity, spotlights the purity God desires us to have, but even more importantly, it empowers us with a deeper understanding of our spiritual identity in Christ. Embracing this identity gives us access to the biblical promises and principles that motivate us to WANT to live on His Isaiah 35:8, Highway of Holiness! Ricky’s book is simultaneously 100% heart and 100% “practicals” and prepares us to make faithful decisions to cleanse our hearts and therefore SEE God in everything and everyone!

    The author emphatically states, “It will be impossible for you to truly become pure until you accept and embrace how valuable you are to God.” This line, perhaps my favorite, captures the essence of Ricky’s conviction that we must live up to who we are by God’s grace, being pure and not “doing purity.” As a shepherd in God’s Kingdom, I am convinced this book will help disciples overcome the devil’s age-old scheme of AI – Artificial Identity – by heightening their awareness of God’s eternal embrace so they can tighten their grip on Him and be holy as He is holy!

    Of note, Dr. Challinor will humbly share with any who will listen that he learned many of these enduring convictions about purity when he was discipled by Dr. Raul Moreno in Orange County, California. The secret to the power of this book is how he made them his OWN and built upon them and is now effectively training others to do the same in their lives: Disciples making disciples!

    What a glory to God that Ricky has imitated his father in the faith, Raul, and wrote so powerfully about purity of the heart. Not a Hint will equip you to do the same and write the scriptures first on your own heart and the hearts of many others!

    Excitingly, this is the first SOPI title that we are releasing on Audible so you can literally have a digital Dtime with Ricky, listening to him narrate the book! Below you’ll find links to purchase the Audible version, as well as the color, Black & White, and Kindle versions!

    1. Click to purchase the Color, Kindle, & Audible versions
    1. Click to purchase the Black and White version


    Chris Adams
    Executive Editor
    SoldOut Press International
  • He Stoops Down To Make Me Great

    With great joy and anticipation the SOPI Staff would like to announce Dr. Matt Sullivan’s new book, entitled He Stoops Down To Make Me Great: The Mandate, Necessity, and Power of Prayer! There really is no other book like it because Matt is compelled to share how and why his prayer life radically changed even after decades of prayer as a faithful disciple!

    Matt artfully and powerfully calls us UP to the standard of greatness in our intimacy with our perfect heavenly Father, by leading us to bow down to see the reality of how far He has traveled to MAKE US GREAT!

    Hinging on one simple verse, Psalm 18:35, Matt unleashes the spirit of the whole Bible in insisting that we unlock the power God wants to equip us with to do the job that He knows we can do: To evangelize all nations in our generation!

    Psalms 18:35

    You give me your shield of victory,
    and your right hand sustains me;
    you stoop down to make me great

    Matt urges us from the very first page of the Preface,

    “My hypothesis is that prayer bridges the gap and that God Himself will stoop down to make you great! This is not a subtle call to some “extra prayer” to add a few things while you pray, or to increase intensity. This is a call to fully revolutionize your relationship with God!”

    What an incredible tool Dr. Sullivan has given us to help every disciple and would-be disciple escape the corruption of a world desperate for connection through a prayerful intimacy with God that births the greatest version of ourselves – that God could work His wonders through us!

    Happy reading and praying, family!

    Chris Adams
    Executive Editor
    SoldOut Press International


  • House To House Effect

    Greetings SoldOut Movement Family!

    Dr. John A. Causey has just released the study guide for his transformational book — House to House Effect (H2E) — which focuses on revolutionizing and revitalizing our fellowship through strengthening household relationships!

    Dr. Causey designed this 50-page, 7-study, outline-format “companion” to his book of the same title both with the individual disciple and the ministry leader in mind. It will enrich any disciples’ quiet times with great questions and deeper Bible study opportunities, and for the leader who wants to use it for an “on-to-maturity” midweek or leadership series, it is scalable for different lengths and teaching formats.

    Here’s an excerpt that closes the book and gives insight on how strengthening households was the Holy Spirit’s way to shut the door on Satan’s attacks on the family of God! Dr. Causey writes,

    Christian Households carry the task of:

    ·   Fortifying what has been forsaken.

    ·   Recovering what sin has ruined.

    ·   Building up what the world has burned down.

    ·   Taming what the devil has tormented.

    ·   Clarifying what religion has confused.

    ·   Healing what division has hurt.

    ·   Saving what Satan has soiled!

    John and Emma are leading their now annual, all-Chicago congregational midweek series this Fall through H2E using the study guide as the basis for all the lessons. Our Northern Federation family of churches is also excited to strengthen the disciples throughout Russia, Central Asia, Canada, and the Midwest and Pacific Northwestern United States with the same series! Lastly, Matt Sullivan confirmed that the mighty churches in the SAGES World Sector plan on doing a teaching series towards the end of the year based on the H2E Study Guide to strengthen their disciples as well!

    Happy reading, family!

    Link to purchase House to House Effect Study Guide: Reviving Christian Households In This Generation.

    Link to purchase Dr. John A. Causey’s book, House to House Effect: Reviving Christian Households In This Generation.


    Chris Adams
    Executive Editor
    SoldOut Press International


  • 20/20 Book Three: 20 More Convictions In 20 Days

    Greetings SoldOut Movement Family!

    It is with great anticipation and excitement that we announce the release of Dr. Tim Kernan’s most recent book: 20/20 Book Three: 20 More Convictions In 20 Days For Everyone Who Wants To Get Stronger And Be Empowered.

    Dr. Kernan starts off Book Three with a bang:

    “Afflicted in every way….” (2 Corinthians 4:8-12 English Standard Version) Not exactly the first thing one thinks of when considering the life of a Christian. Yet God is the master of strengthening us and maturing us. He wants to make us more capable and make us more like Christ through difficulty. Indeed, there is no other way to do it. Think about that for a second: There is no other way to do it!

    As you can see, this book is a power-packed toolkit for personal transformation! The more you read, the more the truth of God’s Word will strengthen you. Tim’s scriptural insights and vivid analogies energize your walk with God and motivate godly decisions empowered by prompted prayers to overcome specific battles.

    Tim is a master at spiritual hand-to-hand combat, and this book will train you to win the battle of the mind that Satan wages against every one of us! I appreciate Tim’s candor, as part way through the book, he helped me identify a struggle I didn’t even realize I HAD – not to mention that I was not winning in my spiritual perspective as a Christian husband – and that led to a monumental decision in my life to ”not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of [my] mind.” (Romans 12:2 ESV) If you want to be transformed, you have to read this book! There is no other way to do it!

    Lastly, the logical way Dr. Kernan presented the 10 struggles we can surely overcome by God’s empowerment in Part 1, and the 10 areas in which we can truly be strengthened by God’s Word in Part 2 will help to sharpen, heal, and open all of our EYES so we can attain and maintain spiritual 20/20 vision!

    Happy reading, family!

    Link to 20/20 Book Three:


    Link to all of Dr. Tim C. Kernan’s books:



    Chris Adams
    Executive Editor
    SoldOut Press International
  • The Only Thing That Counts


    Newest Only Thing that Counts Cover


    To Our Dear Brothers and Sisters Around the World!

    The SOPI Team is excited to announce that Dr. Raul Moreno’s newest book is now available for purchase at Amazon in paperback and Kindle formats!

    As we have all come to love and respect and expect, Raul’s humble, conversational writing style breaks down any and all of our concerns and fears about “getting our faith on straight”! As my wife said reading it for the first time this past week: “I can totally hear him talking and preaching to me!” And it is like having an extended Discipling Time with a man worthy of imitation in this most essential of weapons in the fight for true righteousness in this world! The Only Thing That Counts will inspire new disciples, refresh older disciples, and help us find those longing to BECOME disciples!

    I believe this book will challenge the most faithful among us to understand God’s sovereignty in deeper ways; trusting that God can use all things good and bad for our ultimate good is a major theme throughout Dr. Moreno’s teaching. Personally, I plan on sharing the chapter on “Having The Faith To Break Up” this week with a dear brother (now that it’s published!), and I know it will be the foundation of a life-changing Dtime he has been praying for!

    Let us know what you think about these and any other SOPI books by going to our new website (Thank God for Jeremy Ciaramella and his web team!) and clicking on any of the SOPI titles and leaving a review on Amazon!

    Chris Adams
    Executive Editor
    SoldOut Press International
  • Elevate Jesus’s Global Revolution For Women

    Overlooked and under-taught is Jesus’ remarkable faith and revolutionary vision for women to be a vital part of His plan to change the world. This book is built on the foundation of the Women’s Elevation Section in Luke 7-8. Elena’s keen insight “discovered” and then expounded upon this passage for her doctoral dissertation. In turn, she became the first woman to receive the doctorate degree from the prestigious International College of Christian Ministries in Los Angeles, California. Though Elena has spoken to women’s groups in over 30 countries around the world, she understood the words of the reformer Martin Luther who stated, “If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write.” Indeed, all who dare read this uplifting Biblical study on Jesus’ Global Revolution For Women will be highly motivated to ELEVATE their faith, their goals and their vision to change the world!


    Chris Adams
    Executive Editor
    SoldOut Press International